
Vivian Vance ~ The Iconic Ethel Mertz

Corliss Palmer ~ The Most Beautiful Girl

Gladys McClure ~ The Doomed Starlet

Adrienne Ames ~ The Tragic Beauty

Maxine Nash ~ The Tragic Chorus Girl

Kitty McHugh & Her Sad Suicide

Joan Chandler ~ Hitchcock's Forgotten Actress

Ann Miller ~ The Talented Dancer

Rochelle Hudson ~ The Lovely Ingenue

What Happened To Dolores Mendez

Betty Francisco ~ The Perfect Blonde

Evelyn Francisco ~ The Bathing Beauty

Faye Pierre & Her Heartbreaking Suicide

Lynne Carver ~ The Tragic Ingenue

What Really Killed Jean Harlow

Greta Garbo ~ Hollywood's Most Private Star

How Desi Arnaz Broke Lucille Ball's Heart

Dorothy Short ~ The Brunette Beauty

Frances Williams ~ The Broadway Singer

Jane Keithley ~ The Doomed Starlet

Georgia Lerch ~ The Alcoholic Chorus Girl

Gloria Grahame ~ The Scandalous Bad Girl

Norma Shearer ~ The Queen Of MGM

Marjorie Zier ~ The Murdered Bathing Beauty

Roxanne Rosedale ~ The Beat The Clock Model

Frances Stutz & Her Heartbreaking Suicide

Eve Miller & Her Sad Suicide

Marjorie White ~ The Tragic Starlet

Marjorie Whiteis ~ The Jilted Silent Star

Mary Dees ~ Jean Harlow's Stand-In

Delphine Walsh Was Killed By A Back-Alley Abortion

Lucille Bremer ~ The MGM Dancer

Patsy Farnum ~ The Pretty Blonde

Margaret Shelby ~ Mary Miles Minter's Tragic Sister

Lynn Browning ~ The 1930s Starlet

Helen Mann & Her Sad Suicide

Dorothy Dearing ~ The Alcoholic Starlet

Mary Julian ~ The Heroin Addicted Ziegfeld Girl

Patricia Farr ~ The Tragic Starlet

Helen Burgess & Her Untimely Death

Maryon Aye & Her Heartbreaking Suicide

Abigail Adams & Her Tragic Suicide

Carol Tevis ~ The Blonde With The Baby Voice

Miroslava Stern & Her Heartbreaking Suicide

Joi Lansing ~ The Secret Lesbian

Betty Compson ~ The Prettiest Girl

Elinor Troy ~ The Tragic Showgirl

Eleanor Counts & Her Tragic Death

Lottie Lyell ~ Australia's First Movie Star

Helena Pickard ~ Cedric Hardwick's Tragic Wife